7370021 Beilhack rotary snow blower, SBB
Beilhack rotary snow blower, SBB
Beilhack rotary snow blower of the Swiss Federal Railways.
■ Digital functional model!
■ Self-propelled model
■ Large impeller wheels fully functional
■ Body can be rotated through 180°
■ Elaborately designed model with many digitally switchable functions
The decommissioning of the rotary steam snow blower used on the Gotthard and the need to expand the snow blower fleet and have a reserve, led to the procurement of two self-propelled diesel rotary snow blowers from Beilhack, Rosenheim (Germany) in 1980. The Beilhack type, which had already been supplied to Norway and Austria, also proved effective on the Gotthard, with the two snow blowers being or having been stationed in Göschenen and Erstfeld. A special feature of this type is that the entire control platform can be rotated by 180°, allowing the snow thrower to change its working direction.
Note: The model can only be used to a limited extent in analogue mode, so we recommend digital operation. In analogue mode, the snow blower starts to move, the headlights and the driving sound are activated and the blade wheels also turn.