7170026 Steam locomotive 44 089, DRG

Steam locomotive 44 089, DRG




Novelty - (quarter 2025.Q2)

Steam locomotive 44 089 of the German State Railway Company (DRG).

■ "Wagner" smoke deflectors
■ Running plate with skirt
■ First version with rivet tender 2'2' T 32
■ Central drive axles with smaller wheel flanges
■ Unobstructed view between boiler and chassis
■ Hauls heavy goods trains
■ In digital operation with switchable driver's cab and engine illumination

The locomotives were capable of hauling trains with a total load of 1,200 tonnes, and 600 tonnes on steep ramps. Known as "Jumbo" due to their high tractive power, the steam locomotives were widely used in Germany and many other European countries. They could reach a maximum speed of 80 km/h forward and 50 km/h in reverse. From 1937, the majority of locomotives were ordered with welded tenders, but these were immediately replaced with older riveted tenders from express locomotives

Additional Information

General data
Coupling Close coupler motion link between locomotive and tender, NEM shaft 355 with close coupling mechanism
Minimum radius 192 mm
Number of driven axles 2
Number of axles with traction tyres 2
Interior fitting Driver's cab
Scale N
Epoch II
Railway Company DRG
Motor 3 pole motor
Head light Direction dependent dual headlights
LED head light yes
Additional light function yes
Sound yes
Interior lighting Yes, LED, Digital switchable, Driver's cab lighting
Control DC Digital
Interface Electrical interface for traction units Next18
Digital decoder Next18
Length over buffer 141 mm
Use-Instructions (DE)
Configuration Variables & Function keys (DE)